Centene Center for Health Transformation

The Centene Center emerged as a formal, funded collaboration in 2015 after years of a shared vision between leadership of Washington University in St. Louis and Centene Corporation. The unique research collaboration includes the Social Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis, Health Communications Research Laboratory, the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University, and Centene Corporation.
The Center leverages the insights of Fortune 100 company Centene Corporation on managed care, along with the academic research and evaluation expertise of the Brown School and Duke University to design, implement, and evaluate behavior-based innovations that facilitate healthier living.
We use findings from our health research to improve the effectiveness of healthcare delivery, influence positive health outcomes, and decrease healthcare costs, especially for the nation’s Medicaid population.
Center Mission
The Centene Center for Health Transformation is a community-industry-academic healthcare partnership that advances people centered health solutions to improve lives so that communities can thrive.

Response to COVID-19
Research Agenda
These studies explore how COVID-19, the impacts on social needs and care, and how responses to the virus impacted these.

Health and Financial Wellness
Research Agenda
Economic status is widely understood to be a determinant of health and behavioral health outcomes, with lower income groups experiencing poorer health and higher rates of premature mortality than individuals of higher economic status. These studies explore this association.

Behavioral Health
Research Agenda
This study will examine rates of screening and management of depression in primary care to inform the implementation of one or more interventions to increase rates of screening and the use of evidence-based interventions, such as collaborative care models or motivational interviewing.

Completed Projects
Research Agendas
In the spring of 2020, the Center shared important knowledge and advice regarding COVID-19 through 12 articles and features in national media. Our healthcare provider behavior study explored the state of evidence regarding interventions to change provider behavior in health or behavioral health settings.
Principal and Co-Investigators
SPI Staff
Publications and News
- Improving Access and Minimizing Obstacles for Medicaid Buy-In Participation
- Does one size fit all? Exploring provider behavior interventions and best practices alignment to improve healthcare for all
- All over the Map: A Systematic Literature Review and State Policy Scan of Medicaid Buy-In Programs for Working Individuals with Disabilities
Find more at the Centene Center website