Building an Inclusive Economy: Oct. 7

Building an Inclusive Economy: Oct. 7

This event has passed. Watch a recording or see below. Historically, as the St Louis economy grows, benefits are not equally, nor equitably, distributed. As we look to rebuilding our economy from COVID-19 devastation, now is the time to consider how St. Louis can change to become a model for a truly inclusive economy that […]

Our Nonprofit Sector Is at Risk. Does it Matter?

Date: November 18, 2019 | 5:30 Reception | 6:00 Lecture Location: Clark-Fox Forum, Hillman Hall, Washington University in St. Louis Congress has slashed the budget for the IRS’s oversight of nonprofit organizations. In the wake of the cuts, Wall Street is increasingly finding ways to profit from nonprofits. What does this mean for the social sector […]

Social Policy Institute Launch Event

Washington University in St. Louis is launching the Social Policy Institute (SPI), a new university-wide initiative dedicated to addressing pressing social issues through empirical research, dissemination of evidence-informed policy, and training in social policy.

Measuring Impact of Employee Financial Wellness Programs

Employee financial wellness programs have garnered a great deal of attention, but what do we really know about their impact on employees? The Social Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis presents hot-off-the-presses research on financial wellness program outcomes and discusses best practices in measurement.

Distracted Employees? Financial Wellness Can Help

Low- and moderate-income employees’ financial lives can be complicated and the challenge of making ends meet may distract them at work. Employers can offer evidence-informed workplace financial products and services targeted towards LMI employees to improve stability and increase wealth.