The Social Policy Institute (SPI) and the McDonnell International Scholars Academy at Washington University in St. Louis are seeking proposals from Washington University researchers and international partners that identify and address the challenges of COVID-19 through artificial intelligence, technology, and big data. Proposals are due by Feb. 26, 2021.
This is the second year the Social Policy Institute and McDonnell Academy have partnered to provide seed grants for international research. Funding is provided in part by Mastercard Impact Fund, in collaboration with Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth.
SPI’s focus on cross-sector collaboration and international research is a natural complement to the McDonnell Academy’s emphasis on incubating domestic and international research talent and strengthening Washington University’s global profile. As such, this joint seed grant program will capitalize on the strengths of both institutions and further establish Washington University as a leader in global research.
The goal is to develop research related to identifying and addressing the challenges of COVID-19 through artificial intelligence, technology, and big data.
We anticipate funding up to three awards at up to $25,000 each.
Washington University faculty members performing work that fits within the missions of the Social Policy Institute and McDonnell Academy are welcome to apply with projects that facilitate the rapid development and dissemination of evidence-based research on identifying and addressing the challenges of COVID-19.
The research funded under this program will:
- Include at least one faculty researcher from Washington University and one faculty researcher from an international university—preference given to proposals that include a McDonnell Academy faculty member as a partner;
- Focus on research questions relevant to identifying and addressing the challenges of COVID-19 through artificial intelligence, technology, and big data. Preference will be given to questions that consider social policy responses to COVID-19 both in international and local (e.g. US, Missouri, and/or St. Louis) settings;
- Focus on decreasing social inequities;
- Approach social policy issues with innovative frameworks, methods, or interventions;
- Have the potential to attract funding for the research after the seed grant period has ended;
- Produce a joint proposal (including envisioned project, activities, milestones & deliverables, timeline, staffing and budget) and a proposal dissemination plan (i.e., describing communications and funding ideas) for a research project targeting policy and practice communities.
Application Requirements
To apply for the grant, applicants will need to submit a short proposal including a project concept (1-2 pgs., maximum), a list of personnel working on the joint proposal, potential impact and outcomes of the work, CVs for all investigators, and a list of other sources of support, if available. We encourage proposals to consider including a faculty member from a McDonnell Academy partner.