Thanks for joining us on June 15 to learn about transparent, equitable, and actionable practices for sharing data across organizations and sectors in St. Louis and beyond.
About this event
This event highlighted transparent, equitable, and actionable practices for sharing data across organizations and sectors. Watch the recording below to hear insights from national and local leaders, learn from social sector colleagues, and grapple with big-picture questions about how to develop more ethical and equitable data-sharing practices.
Presenters provided insights on
- Building strong data-sharing partnerships
- Creating collaborative data practices grounded in mutual trust and benefit
- Navigating common barriers in data sharing and governance processes
- Tammy Laws, Doorways
- Adam Pearson, Peter & Paul Community Services
- Tony Greco, Get Help
- Paul Sorenson, St. Louis Regional Data Alliance
Thanks for attending our event! If you would like to give your feedback on your experience or what more you would like to learn, you can fill out our survey here.
Below is a list of resources from our speakers. You can also take all resources as a downloadable pdf with you.
- Data Collaboration Model by the St. Louis Regional Data Alliance. This resource was developed in conjunction with the Data Science for Social Impact learning event, Sharing Data, Sharing Power: Tools and Tensions in Collective Data Efforts.
- The Collaboration Spectrum Revisited by Tamarack Institute.
This resource provides an overview of the practice of collaboration as seen along a spectrum, from competition to integration, with multiple points in between. It outlines a collaboration spectrum tool designed to help organizations gain clarity about the nature of their current and future collaborations. - Collective Impact by John Kania & Mark Kramer.
This article, written in 2011, explores the benefits of cross-sector collaboration in the social sector for increasing impact, and outlines some of the components of successful collaboration. These include common vision, shared measurements systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone teams/ organizations. - Centering Equity in Collective Impact by John Kania, Junious Williams, Paul Schmitz, Sheri Brady, Mark Kramer & Jennifer Splansky Juster
This 2022 piece, a follow-up to the Kania and Kramer article summarized above, explores the importance of centering equity in collective impact work and identifies five strategies for centering equity. These are: - Ground the work in data and context, and target solutions.
- Focus on systems change, in addition to programs and services.
- Shift power within the collaborative.
- Listen to and act with community.
- Build equity leadership and accountability.
- Data Across Sectors for Health Definitions by Data Across Sectors for Health.
Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) is an initiative that seeks to foster collaboration among organizations working to address a range of social determinants of health. This brief page includes a few useful definitions for multisector data sharing and collaboration. - Data Sharing in Cross-Sector Collaborations by Urban Institute.
This paper examines some of the challenges of cross-sector data sharing and collaboration efforts, as well as strategies for success. These include bringing the right people to the table, building trust among diverse stakeholders including program participants, and implementing strong data governance policies and practices. - Introduction to Data Sharing and Integration by Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy.
This resource provides an advanced introduction to various types of data sharing, from dashboarding and indicator projects to integration of administrative data, and some of the key technical, ethical, and legal considerations for each. - Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity Through Data Integration by Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy.
This toolkit includes strategies, stories, resources, and activities designed to help organizations center racial equity and community voice in data sharing and integration efforts. - Sharing Data for Social Impact: Guidebook for Establishing Responsible Governance Practices by Beeck Center.
This report outlines a three-phased approach to adopting data sharing governance practices within your organization and includes resources, case studies, and best practices. - The Water of Systems Change by John Kania, Mark Kramer, & Peter Senge.
This article explores the concept of systems change, widely used in activist organizations, and its application to nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. It outlines six conditions of systems change, including policies, practices, resource flows, relationships & connections, power dynamics, and mental models, as well as strategies for applying this framework in philanthropy.

A Process, Not a Product: Building Equitable Data Infrastructure
Excited about Data Science for Social Impact? Join us at 10 a.m. on July 14 for our second DSSI event of the summer! Connect with social sector colleagues and learn how to build equitable, client-centered data infrastructure.
The Data for Social Impact initiative is a partnership between the Social Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis and the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, in collaboration with an advisory committee, the St. Louis Regional Data Alliance, and