Faculty Affiliates
Faculty Affiliates partner with the Social Policy Institute on its research initiatives, bringing their expertise to help identify and activate promising solutions to social challenges. These individuals are leaders in their fields and passionate about creating a more equitable world through social policy change. They share our vision to reduce inequalities through evidence-informed policy and practice, as well as our values.

Daniel Auguste
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Florida Atlantic University

Yu-Chih Chen
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration
The University of Hong Kong

Cynthia Cryder
Associate Professor of Marketing, Olin Business School
Washington University in St. Louis

Kaitlin Daniels
Assistant Professor of Operations and Manufacturing Management, Olin Business School
Washington University in St. Louis

Teresa Eckrich Sommer
Research Professor at the Institute for Policy Research
- Email: t-sommer@northwestern.edu
Northwestern University

Catalina Freixas
Associate Professor of Architecture, Sam Fox School
Washington University in St. Louis

Emily Gallagher
Assistant Professor of Finance, Leed School of Business
University of Colorado – Boulder

Amanda Gouws
Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Stellenbosch University

Shenyang Guo
Distinguished Professor of Social Work Research, Brown School
Washington University in St. Louis

Bart Hamilton
Brookings Distinguished Professor, Olin Business School
Washington University in St. Louis

Kelly Harris
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy and Surgery (Public Health Sciences)
Washington University in St. Louis

DeMarcus Jenkins
Assistant Professor in the School of Social Policy and Practice
University of Pennsylvania

Odis Johnson
Professor of Sociology and Education, School of Arts & Sciences
Washington University in St. Louis

Melissa Jonson-Reid
Ralph and Muriel Pumphrey Professor of Social Work Research, Brown School
Washington University in St. Louis

Mona Khoury-Kassabri
Dean, The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tobias Kindler
Research Associate, School of Social Work
Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST)

Nancy Morrow-Howell
Betty Bofinger Brown Distinguished Professor of Social Policy, Brown School
Washington University in St. Louis

Stephanie Moulton
Associate Professor, Director of Doctoral Studies, John Glenn College of Public Affairs
The Ohio State University

Nick Papageorge
Broadus Mitchel Associate Professor of Economics, Krieger School of Arts & Sciences
Johns Hopkins University

Shani Pitcho-Prelorentzos
Senior Research Fellow of SPI
Lecturer, School of Social Work at Ariel University

Nilton Porto
Associate Professor, Consumer Finance Human Development & Family Studies
University of Rhode Island

Arie Rimmerman
Richard Crossman Professor of Social Welfare and Social Planning, School of Social Work
University of Haifa

David Rothwell
Associate Professor, Barbara E. Knudson Endowed Chair in Family Policy
Oregan State University

Jorge Sabat
Assistant Professor of Finance, Académico Escuela de Ingeniería Comercial
Universidad Diego Portales in Chile

Terri J Sabol
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Social Policy, School of Education and Social Policy
Northwestern University

Miriam Schiff
Professor and Zena Harman Chair of Social Work, The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Collette Schulz-Herzenberg
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences,
Stellenbosch University

Talia Meital Schwartz
Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Social Welfare
University of California, Berkeley

Dan Vilenchik
Senior Lecturer, Department of Communication Systems Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Tyreasa Washington
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Director of African American Families and Kinship Care Lab
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Media Contact:
Martha Benduski
Communications Coordinator