Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Israel
Survey in Israel
Israel Survey
A survey was fielded in Israel to examine the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The national survey in Israel has been distributed during the following months:
- Wave 1: June to early-July, 2020
- Wave 2: Mid-September to mid-October, 2020
- Wave 3: January to early February, 2021
- Wave 4: April 2021
The survey collects data on approximately 2,300 respondents in each wave and consists of both a cross-sectional and a panel component, allowing researchers to analyze robust samples of households in each wave and track outcomes within households over time.
It is administered via Qualtrics to the online survey panel of Israeli adults by a local research firm in Israel. The first survey was fielded in Hebrew; subsequent surveys are being administered in both Hebrew and Arabic.
Approximately 150 questions are included in each wave of the survey, covering the topics of household demographics, employment, gig employment, business ownership, assets, debt, well-being, housing, material hardships, health, exposure to COVID-19, perspectives about the pandemic, government support, and children’s education.
Request Form
If you are interested in learning more about our Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 Survey or would like to access data to conduct research please fill out our request form.