*Research Brief Financial Security

The experience of volatility in low- and moderate-income households: Results from a national survey

Key Findings

  • 32% reported income volatility over prior six months
  • 57% of those experiencing income volatility blamed an irregular work schedule
  • 38% reported expense volatility over prior six months
  • 57% of those experiencing expense volatility blamed seasonal bills
  • 51% reported experiencing either income or expense volatility, with 18% experiencing both

Project: Household Financial Survey (HFS)


Roll, S. P., Mitchell, D. S., Bufe, S., Lynne, G., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2017, October). The experience of volatility in low- and moderate-income households: Results from a national survey (Issue Brief). Washington, DC: Aspen Institute and Center for Social Development.