
Call for Proposals for Seed Grant Program

The new Social Policy Institute at Washington University and the McDonnell Academy are seeking proposals for collaboration between Washington University researchers and researchers at international universities. The Social Policy Institute’s focus on cross-sector collaboration and international research is a natural complement to the McDonnell Academy’s emphasis on incubating domestic and international research talent and strengthening Washington University’s global profile. As such, this joint seed grant program will capitalize on the strengths of both institutions and further establish Washington University as a leader in global research. The goal is to develop research related to fostering international collaboration on policy projects.

The Social Policy Institute anticipates providing up to five awards ranging from $10,000-$15,000 each to Washington University faculty members performing work that fits within the Social Policy Institute’s mission. The research funded under this program will focus on questions relevant to significant social policy issues in international settings, and should approach those issues with innovative frameworks, methods, or interventions. Research teams which include at least one faculty researcher from Washington University and one faculty researcher from an international partner university are welcome to apply to facilitate the rapid development and dissemination of evidence-based research to support real-life application of social policy analysis.

To apply for the grant, applicants will first need to submit a letter of intent with a brief description of the proposed project. Letters of intent will then be reviewed through a standard peer review process, with reviewers selected from different disciplines both in Washington University and at partner universities. After an initial review of the letters, a subset of applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal including a project description, a budget and justification, CVs for all investigators, and other sources of support.

Click here to learn more about eligibility for the seed grants and to view the request for proposals

All application materials are due on November 30, 2019 to